Conserved network motifs allow protein-protein interaction prediction
Considering the Case for Biodiversity Cycles: Reexamining the Evidence for Periodicity in the Fossil Record
Consistency of Bayesian inference of resolved phylogenetic trees
Consistency Principle in Biological Dynamical Systems
Conspiracy in bacterial genomes
constNJ: an algorithm to reconstruct sets of phylogenetic trees satisfying pairwise topological constraints
Constraint satisfaction problems and neural networks: a statistical physics perspective
Constructing a Knowledge Base for Gene Regulatory Dynamics by Formal Concept Analysis Methods
Constructing a Minimum-Level Phylogenetic Network from a Dense Triplet Set in Polynomial Time
Constructing level-2 phylogenetic networks from triplets
Constructing the Simplest Possible Phylogenetic Network from Triplets
Construction and Functional Analysis of Human Genetic Interaction Networks with Genome-wide Association Data
Contact switching as a control strategy for epidemic outbreaks
Contact-inhibited chemotaxis in de novo and sprouting blood-vessel growth
Contagious obesity: from adenovirus 36 to RB dysfunction
Content based network model with duplication and divergence
Context-dependent selection of visuomotor maps
Contextual Emergence of Mental States from Neurodynamics
Continuous time Boolean modeling for biological signaling: application of Gillespie algorithm
Continuously stable strategies as evolutionary branching points