Voltage clamp analysis of nonlinear dendritic propertie in prepositus hypoglossi neurons
Vortices in brain waves
Waveform sample method of excitable sensory neuron
Weak pairwise correlations imply strongly correlated network states in a neural population
Weber's law implies neural discharge more regular than a Poisson process
Weight-conserving characterization of complex functional brain networks
What do neural nets and quantum theory tell us about mind and reality?
When are correlations strong?
When are microcircuits well-modeled by maximum entropy methods?
When perceptual time stands still: Long stable memory in binocular rivalry
When Response Variability Increases Neural Network Robustness to Synaptic Noise
Why dream? A Conjecture on Dreaming
Wiring cost in the organization of a biological network
Zwanzig-Mori projection operators and EEG dynamics: deriving a simple equation of motion