The collective brain is critical
The Complexity of Synaptic Transmission Revealed by a Multiscale Analysis Approach From The Molecular to The Cellular Level
The Computational Structure of Spike Trains
The Dynamics of Image Processing by Feature Maps in the Primary Visual Cortex
The effect of neural adaptation of population coding accuracy
The Electron Capture Hypothesis - A Challenge to Neuroscientists
The emergence of stereotyped behaviors in C. elegans
The failure of the law of brevity in two New World primates. Statistical caveats
The firing statistics of Poisson neuron models driven by slow stimuli
The functional structure of cortical neuronal networks grown in vitro
The Hilbert transform of horizontal gaze position during natural image classification by saccades
The Influence of Sodium and Potassium Dynamics on Excitability, Seizures, and the Stability of Persistent States: I. Single Neuron Dynamics
The Influence of Sodium and Potassium Dynamics on Excitability, Seizures, and the Stability of Persistent States: II. Network and Glial Dynamics
The Ising decoder: reading out the activity of large neural ensembles
The Local Field Potential Reflects Surplus Spike Synchrony
The magnitude of the effect of calf muscles fatigue on postural control during bipedal quiet standing with vision depends on the eye-visual target distance
The multifractal fly: a dynamically multilayered visual system
The Narrow Escape problem in a flat cylindrical microdomain with application to diffusion in the synaptic cleft
The Neurobiology Of Thinking, Identity, And Geniality
The perception of melodic consonance: an acoustical and neurophysiological explanation based on the overtone series