Testing an agent-based model of bacterial cell motility: How nutrient concentration affects speed distribution
The Bacterial Chemotactic Response Reflects a Compromise Between Transient and Steady State Behavior
The Effects of EGF-Receptor Density on Multiscale Tumor Growth Patterns
The electrophysiology of the betacell based on single transmembrane protein characteristics
The in silico macrophage: toward a better understanding of inflammatory disease
The mechanical creep compliance of tissue cells is gamma distributed
The motility of normal and cancer cells in response to the combined influence of substrate rigidity and anisotropic microstructure
The rate of decline of CD4 T-cells in people infected with HIV
The reaction-diffusion approach to morphogenesis
The role of cell-cell adhesion in wound healing
The role of spatial averaging in the precision of gene expression patterns
Thresholds, long delays and stability from generalized allosteric effect in protein networks
Timing is everything: on the stochastic origins of cell-to-cell variability in cancer cell death decisions
Toward an Ising Model of Cancer and Beyond
Towards Modeling HIV Long Term Behavior
Transient pattern formation in a stochastic model of cancer growth
Tumor Gompertzian growth by cellular energetic balance
Turing Pattern with Proportion Preservation
VE-cadherin and claudin-5: it takes two to tango
Velocity oscillations in actin-based motility