Finite Volume Model to Study the Effect of ER flux on Cytosolic Calcium Distribution in Astrocytes
Fixed-points in Random Boolean Networks: The impact of parallelism in the scale-free topology case
Flow-correlated dilution of a regular network leads to a percolating network during tumor induced angiogenesis
Fluctuation theorem applied to Dictyostelium discoideum system
Fluctuations and noise in cancer development
Force and length-dependent catastrophe activities explain interphase microtubule organization in fission yeast
Force balance and membrane shedding at the Red Blood Cell surface
Force Modulating Dynamic Disorder: Physical Theory of Catch-slip bond Transitions in Receptor-Ligand Forced Dissociation Experiments
Formation of BCR Oligomers Provides a Mechanism for B cell Affinity Discrimination
Frequency-dependent Chemolocation and Chemotactic Target Selection
From a quantum mechanical description of the assembly processes in microtubules to their semiclassical nonlinear dynamics
From random to directed motion: Understanding chemotaxis in E. Coli within a simplified model
Functional Analysis of Spontaneous Cell Movement under Different Physiological Conditions