Elastic properties of grafted microtubules
Elasticity and electrostatics of plectonemic DNA
Elasticity of strongly stretched ssDNA
Electro weak enantioselection and the origin of life
Electrostatic determinants of voltage sensitivity in ion channels: Simulations of sliding-helix mechanisms
Electrostatic theory of viral self-assembly: a toy model
Electrostatics and the Assembly of an RNA Virus
Elementary simulation of tethered Brownian motion
Embedded transfer RNA Genes
Emergence of clonal selection and affinity maturation in an ab initio microscopic model of immunity
Emergence of information transmission in a prebiotic RNA reactor
Emergence of mutationally robust proteins in a microscopic model of evolution
Empirical Potential Function for Simplified Protein Models: Combining Contact and Local Sequence-Structure Descriptors
Enantioselective Autocatalysis. V. The Spontaneous Resolution of Tri-o-Thymotide
Encapsulation of a polymer by an icosahedral virus
Encoding folding paths of RNA switches
Energetic and Entropic Analysis of Mirror Symmetry Breaking Processes in a Recycled Microreversible Chemical System
Energetics of Protein-DNA Interactions
Energy fluctuations shape free energy of nonspecific biomolecular interactions
Energy landscape of ubiquitin modulated by periodic forces: Asymmetric protein stability and shifts in unfolding pathways