A stitch in time: Efficient computation of genomic DNA melting bubbles
A stochastic approach to multi-gene expression dynamics
A Structure-Centric View of Protein Evolution, Design and Adaptation
A Surprising Clarification of the Mechanism of Ion-channel Voltage-Gating
A theory for viral capsid assembly around electrostatic cores
A three-state prediction of single point mutations on protein stability changes
A toolkit for the construction of icosahedral particles with local symmetry axes
A Topological Framework for the Computation of the HOMFLY Polynomial and Its Application to Proteins
A toy model of polymer stretching
A two stage model for quantitative PCR
Ab initio simulations of Cu binding sites in the N-terminal region of PrP
Absence of arsenate in DNA from arsenate-grown GFAJ-1 cells
Actin Polymerization Kinetics, Cap Structure and Fluctuations
Activation and Protonation of Dinitrogen at the FeMo-Cofactor of Nitrogenase
Acyclic hydrocarbon environments >=n-C18 on the early terrestrial planets
Adaptation through stochastic switching into transient mutators in finite asexual populations
Advanced Microfabricated Devices for Sensitive Biomarker Detection and Analysis on Mars
All-atom ab initio folding of a diverse set of proteins
All-or-none switching of transcriptional activity on single DNA molecules caused by a discrete conformational transition
Allosteric collaboration between elongation factor G and the ribosomal L1 stalk directs tRNA movements during translation