‘Retooling’ data centre infrastructure to support the Virtual Observatory
“An Instrument for the Frontiers of Modern Astronomy”: An Exhibit for the Harlan J. Smith 2.7-m Telescope Lobby at McDonald Observatory
“Conference on communicating astronomy with the public”: Taking action
“Hot Helium Flashers” The Road to Extreme Horizontal Branch Stars
“Note on the History of Optical Glass”
“On a Mode of Explaining the Transverse Vibrations of Light”—The Expression “Radiant Matter”
“Primeval Man.”
“Primitive Constellations”
“Radiational tides” as nonlinear effects: bispectral interpretation
“Starry Messengers” help the Community to Observe the Sky
“Workshop Astronomy” at Dickinson College
ℓ Carinæ
∈ Aurigæ, note on the variation of
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