Type-D solutions describing the collision of plane-fronted gravitational waves
Type-I bursts within outbursts of IGR J17473-2721
Type-I Planetary Nebulae in the Large Magellanic Cloud - Oxygen Sulphur and Argon Abundances as Tracers of Chemical Enrichment
Type-I superconductivity and neutron star precession
Type-I superconductivity of protons and magnetic fields of pulsars
Type-I X-ray bursts from SAX J1806.5-2215 with RXTE
Type-I X-ray Bursts from Voids: Tracers of Weakly Accreting Bursters?
Type-I X-ray bursts from XTE J1739-285
Type-Ia supernova rates and the progenitor problem, a review
Type-Ia Supernova SN 1995D in NGC 2962: Optical V, R, and I Band Photometry and Spectra
Type-Ia Supernova-driven Galactic Bulge Wind
Type-Ia supernovae: new clues to their progenitors from the delay-time distribution
Type-II bursts from the new Terzan 5 transient: a GRO J1744-28 analogue?
Type-II Supernovae - Two Successive Explosions
Type-II Supernovae and Neutrino Magnetic Moment
Type-III Solar Radio Storm: Determination of Exciter Speed, Direction and Plasma Distance Scale from 11-40 Solar Radii
Types I and II supernovae and the neutrino mechanism of thermonuclear explosion of degenerate carbon-oxygen stellar cores
Types of Blue Galaxies
Types of escapes in a simple Hamiltonian system
Types of GRBs