Type 1 Supernovae
Type 1 Supernovae: The Physics of Degenerate Carbon Ignition
Type 2 Active Galactic Nuclei with Double-Peaked [OIII] Lines. II. Single AGNs with Complex Narrow-Line Region Kinematics are More Common than Binary AGNs
Type 2 AGNs with Double-Peaked [O III] Lines: Narrow Line Region Kinematics or Merging Supermassive Black Hole Pairs?
Type 2 counterparts of narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxies
Type 2 Quasars at the heart of dust-obscured galaxies (DOGs) at high z
Type 2 Seyfert Galaxies with Obscured Type 1 Regions
Type 2 solar radio bursts recorded at Weissenau, 1966-1987
Type 2 solar radio events observed in the interplanetary medium. Part 1: General characteristics
Type A Stars in the Ursa Major Stream.
Type A Stars in the Ursa Major Stream.
Type and shape differences for isolated and paired galaxies
Type and shape differences for isolated and paired galaxies
Type confirmation of SN 2005bx
Type D Einstein spacetimes in higher dimensions
Type determination for SN 2004gw and SN 2005D
Type determination for SN 2004M
Type Determination for SN 2005ac
Type determination for SN 2005ak
Type determination for SN 2005al