Two-temperature accretion flows in magnetic cataclysmic variables: Structures of post-shock emission regions and X-ray spectroscopy
Two-temperature coronae in active galactic nuclei
Two-temperature coronal flow above a thin disk
Two-Temperature Coronal Models from SOHO/EIT Observations
Two-Temperature Intracluster Medium in Merging Clusters of Galaxies
Two-temperature model of spherical accretion onto a black hole
Two-temperature Models for Polar Plumes: Cooling by Means of Strong Base Heating
Two-temperature models of old supernova remnants with ion and electron thermal conduction
Two-temperature pumping of H2O masers
Two-temperature radiative shocks with electron thermal conduction
Two-temperature X-ray emission from the planetary nebula NGC 7293
Two-time method applied to a one-zone atmosphere
Two-timescale adiabatic expansion of a scalar field model
Two-wave interaction in ideal magnetohydrodynamics
Two-Way Atmospheric Radio Occultation: a Powerful New Technique For Probing Tenuous Planetary Atmospheres
Two-Way Orbits
Two-way precision time synchronization system via a satellite voice channel.
Two-wind interaction models of the proplyds in the Orion nebula
Two-year monitoring of persistent point sources in the Galactic center region at soft gamma-ray energies with SIGMA
Two-year program to upgrade Bear Lakes RT-64 for EVN membership