Pure and loaded fireballs in SGR giant flares
Pure hydrogen atmosphere for very cool white dwarfs
Pure kinetic k-essence as the cosmic speed-up
Pure luminosity evolution and the AGN contribution to the X ray background
Pure Luminosity Evolution Hypothesis for QSOs: From Luminosity Functions to Synthetic Catalogues
Pure luminosity evolution hypothesis for QSOs: from luminosity functions to simulated catalogues.
Pure Luminosity Evolution models for faint field galaxy samples
Pure Luminosity Evolution Models: Too Few Massive Galaxies at Intermediate and High Redshift
Pure Parallel Imaging in the NDWFS Bootes Field
Pure Parallel Imaging in the NDWFS Bootes Field
Pure Perturbation Spectra of Convectively Neutral Fluids
Pure pseudo-C_l estimators for CMB B-modes
Pure quantum freezing of the 5$^{th}$ dimension
Pure Quantum Solutions of Bohmian Quantum Gravity
Pure Rotational H2 Emission from GSS 30 IRS 1
Pure rotational spectrum of hydrogen deuteride by far-infrared Fourier transform spectroscopy
Pure scattered emission as an explanation for the hard X-ray spectra of active galactic nuclei
Pure states don't wear black
Pure States, Mixed States and Hawking Problem in Generalized Quantum Mechanics
Pure-radiation gravitational fields with a simple twist and a Killing vector