Pulses, Spectral Lags, Durations, and Hardness Ratios in Long GRBs
Pulsing Star Confirms More Planets in the Universe
Pulsing X-ray Sources as Jacobi Ellipsoids
PuMa, a digital Pulsar Machine
PuMaII: A wide band pulsar machine for the WSRT
Pumping mechanisms for maser H2O sources
Pumping mechanisms for maser H2O sources
Pumping Mechanisms for SiO Masers around VX Sgr
Pumping of Circumstellar OH Main Line Masers
Pumping of Class 2 methanol masers. 1: The 20 - 3-1E transition
Pumping of Class II methanol masers. II. The 5_1_-6_0_A^+^ transition.
Pumping of H II/OH masers - IR line overlaps and collisional excitation by H2
Pumping of H II/OH masers by IR line overlaps
Pumping of Magnetic Fields by Turbulent Penetrative Convection
Pumping of OH Main-Line Masers in Star-Forming Regions
Pumping potential wells
Pumping the eccentricity of exoplanets by tidal effect
Pumping the interstellar (6, 3) ammonia maser
Pumping the stellar hydroxyl maser
Pumping velocity in homogeneous helical turbulence with shear