Pulsations, Exotic Objects, and Partner Swapping (oh my!): A New Globular Cluster Pulsar Renaissance
Pulse Arrival Time Glitches in GRO J1744-28
Pulse Arrival-Times from Binary Pulsars with Rotating Black Hole Companions
Pulse beam heating of solar atmosphere
Pulse broadening due to multiple scattering in the interstellar medium-111
Pulse Broadening of PSR 0833-45 by Interstellar Scattering
Pulse Characteristics of the X-Ray Pulsar 4U 1907+09
Pulse Delay Observations of GRO J1744-28
Pulse Distortion in a Shearing Plasma.
Pulse emission mechanisms
Pulse Emission Mechanisms in Pulsars
Pulse Fluctuation Properties at 35 MHz
Pulse Frequency Changes of 1E 2259+586 and the Binary Interpretation
Pulse Height Analysis of the Wisconsin Be Band Data: Comparison to Thermal Emission Spectral Models
Pulse Intensity Histograms of Pulsars
Pulse period evolution of GX 1+4
Pulse period history and cyclotron resonance feature of the X-ray pulsar 1E 2259+586
Pulse Period History and Phase Resolved Spectra of 1A 0535+262
Pulse period of IGRJ11215-5952 from Swift/XRT data
Pulse phase dependence of the magnetar bursts