My Brush with Royalty
My Cruise Through the World of Astronomy
My Encounter with Astronomy
My encounter with astronomy : early years
My encounter with astronomy : later years
My experiences as an astronomer and a survey of binary star research carried out at CASA
My Experiences with Telescope Shaft Encoders
My First AAS Meeting: Bloomington and ANN Arbor, June 1950
My First CCD Gallery/Moja prva CCD galerija
My First Love: Plate-Diagram Analysis
My First Variable-Star Observation -- A Series of Misadventures
My forty years in astronomy
My Fourth Comet. (Slovenian Title: Moj cetrti komet)
My large fixed-eyepiece telescope.
My life as an astronomer
My Most Annoying Demonstration
My Most Memorable AAS Meeting-December 1957, Butler University, Indianapolis, Indiana