DA 530 - A high latitude supernova remnant
DA 530: A Supernova Remnant in a Stellar Wind Bubble
Da Tolomeo a Copernico.
Da Vinci Secretary. (Slovenian Title: Da Vincijev tajnik)
DA white dwarf effective temperatures determined from IUE Lyman-alpha profiles
DA white dwarfs in pointed observations from the ROSAT archive.
DA white dwarfs in SDSS DR7 and a search for infrared excess emission
DA white dwarfs in Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 7 and a search for infrared excess emission
DA495 - an aging pulsar wind nebula
DA530 - a supernova remnant in a stellar wind bubble.
Dachas in the sky.
DACs and SACs phenomena in the C IV emitting regions of QSOs
Dados Astronómicos para os Almanaques de 1995 para Portugal.
Dados Astronómicos para os Almanaques de 1996 para Portugal.
Dados Astronómicos para os Almanaques de 1997 para Portugal.
Dados Astronómicos para os Almanaques de 1998 para Portugal.
Daemon detection experiment
Daemons: Detection at Pulkovo, Gran Sasso, and Soudan
Daguerreotypes of the Moon exhibited
Daily and Hourly Variations in Flux Density of Radio Sources