D'où vient le rayonnement gamma galactique?
D'un Congrès à l'autre
D'un nouvel effet de l'aberration de la lumière particulier aux étoiles doubles qui possèdent un mouvement propre etc
D'un nouvel effet de l'aberration de la lumière particulier aux étoiles doubles qui possedent un mouvement propre. Surles systèmes binaries 61 Cygni et 70 p Ophiuchi. Par M. Houzeau. (Beschluß.)
D-19B Developer
D-CIXS: Lunar investigation using the Compact X-Ray Spectrometer on SMART-1
D-D Fusion in the Interior of Jupiter?
D-Deformed Wess-Zumino Model And Its Renormalizability Properties
d-Dimensional Black Hole Entropy Spectrum from Quasi-Normal Modes
D-dimensional metrics with D-3 symmetries
d-dimensional non-asymptotically flat thin-shell wormholes in Einstein-Yang-Mills-Dilaton gravity
D-Dimensional non-singular universe dominated by dark energy
D-Dimensional Radiative Plasma: A Kinetic Approach
D-Foam Phenomenology: Dark Energy, the Velocity of Light and a Possible D-Void
D-Line Intensities in the Spectra of Galaxies.
D-Line Intensities in the Spectra of Galaxies.
D-Rex, a program for calculation of seismic anisotropy due to crystal lattice preferred orientation in the convective upper mantle
D-Ring Features and F-Mode Oscillations of Saturn
D. A. O. Astrophysical Club (Emission Stars of Early Type with particular reference to Phi Persei-Investigations of Cepheid variables-Shapley)
D. A. O. Astrophysical Club (The Interpretation of Spectra-Statistical Discussion of Spectroscopic Binaries-Radial Velocities from the Lick Observatory-The Origin of the Nebular Lines-The Development of Band Spectrum Theory-Intensities of Absorption