5 neue veränderliche Sterne
5 photographs of Io.
5 Poster Contributions in the MPA/ESO Conference "Evolution of large-scale structure", Garching, August 1998
5 radio sources of the Zenith survey at RATAN-600: VLA maps, radio spectra and optical identification
5 years of survey on the Crab Nebula with SPI/INTEGRAL
5,120 superconducting bolometers for the PIPER balloon-borne CMB polarization experiment
5-100 keV Observations of GB790107, A γ-Ray Burst Without γ-Rays
5-13 μm Airborne Observations of Comet Wilson 1986l: Preliminary Results
5-14 μm Spitzer spectra of Themis family asteroids
5-20 micron observations of Uranus and Neptune
5-50-m wavelength plasma instabilities in the equatorial electrojet. I - Cross-field conditions. II - Two-stream conditions
5-dimensional Bianchi Type V perfect fluid models.
5-DIMENSIONAL Bianchi Type-V Perfect Fluid Models
5-dimensional Brans-Dicke Theory and Cosmic Acceleration
5-Dimensional Covariance and Generation of Solutions of Einstein Equations
5-Dimensional Kaluza-Klein Theory with a Source
5-dimensional solution with acceleration and small variation of G
5-dimensional special relativistic hydrodynamics and cosmology
5-GHz Global VLBI observations of SN 1986J in NGC891
5-GHz MERLIN and VLBA observations of compact 9C sources