2-point anisotropies in WMAP and the Cosmic Quadrupole
2-point Correlation Function of HI-selected Galaxies
2-Point Correlations in the COBE DMR 4-Year Anisotropy Maps
2-point functions in quantum cosmology
2-Point Moments in Cosmological Large Scale Structure: I. Theory and Comparison with Simulations
2-post-Newtonian approximation of a nonstationary spherically symmetric star in flat space-time theory of gravitation
2. AGN, Starbursts and Star-Forming Galaxies
2. International Planetary Science Conference. 24. Annual Meeting of the Division for Planetary Sciences (DPS) of the American Astronomical Society (AAS), Munich (Germany), 12 - 16 Oct 1992. Abstracts of presented papers.
2.0 - 2.4 μm Spectra of Europa and Ariel
2.0 to 2.4 micron spectroscopy of T Tauri stars
2.1 meter (82 inch) Slip Ring By-Pass Project
2.1 micron H2 emission - High-spectral-resolution observations of the Orion Nebula
2.1 μm images of the evolved stellar disk and the morphological classification of spiral galaxies
2.12 Micron Molecular Hydrogen Emission from Circumstellar Disks Embedded in the Orion Nebula
2.2 and 1300 μm observations of a complete sample of southern quasars.
2.2 MeV gamma-ray line observed during two SN solar flares
2.2 micron image of 3C 368 at Z = 1.13, a galaxy with aligned radio and stellar axes
2.2 Micron Spatial and Polarization Images of GSS30 in the ρ Ophichus Dark Cloud
2.2 Micron Surface Photometry of Galaxies
2.2- and 3.5-MICRON Polarization Measurements of the Becklinneugebauer Object in the Orion Nebula