[CII] Diffuse Emission Observed by IRTS
[CII] emission and star formation in late-type galaxies
[CII] Emission and Star Formation in Late-Type Galaxies
[CII] emission and star formation in the spiral arms of M31
[CII] gas in IC 342
[CII] line emission in BRI1335-0417 at z=4.4
[CII] observations of H$_2$ molecular layers in transition clouds
[CII]/CO(1-0) line ratio at low metallicities.
[CI] 492 GHz Emission from the Galactic Center Region
[CI] 492 GHz mapping toward Cas A
[CI] and CO in the center of M 51
[CI] Emission in the Z = 2.286 Protogalaxy IRAS F10214+4724 Observed in the J = 2-1 (809 GHz) and J = 1-0 (492 GHz) Transitions
[Compton GRO Cycle 7]
[Fe II] 1.257 μm and He I 1.083 μm Emission in the Central Region of the Orion Nebula: H II Region, HH Flows, Jets, and Proplyds
[Fe II] and H2 filaments in the Supernova Remnant G11.2-0.3: Supernova Ejecta and Presupernova Circumstellar Wind
[Fe II] Bubbles in the Young Planetary Nebula Hubble 12
[Fe IV] Emission in Ionized Nebulae
[Fe IV] emission in ionized nebulae
[Fe IV] in the Orion Nebula
[Fe I] Lines: Their Transition Probabilities and Occurrence in Sunspots