() 12CO and () 13CO Observations toward Two Small Molecular Clouds with Luminous Protostellar Candidates
(1) Preferred longitudes in sunspot activity (2) Preferred sunspot longitudes: non-axisymmetry and differential rotation
(1+1)-dimensional formalism and quasi-local conservation equations
(1+1)-Dimensional Methods for General Relativity
(1+3) Covariant Dynamics of Scalar Perturbations in Braneworlds
(10) Hygiea, perturbations by Jupiter and elements
(1009) Sirene
(1009) Sirene
(10208) 1997 QN1
(1026) Ingrid
(104) Klymene, observed at the Royal Observatory Edinburgh
(106) Dione, observed at the Royal Observatory Edinburgh
(108) Hecuba
(1089) Tama
(11) Parthenope
(11) Parthenope, observed at Windsor, New South Wales
(110) Lydia
(1139) Atami
(114319) 2002 XD_58
(1173) Anchises - Thermophysical and Dynamical Studies of a Dynamically Unstable Jovian Trojan