A multi-scale multi-frequency deconvolution algorithm for synthesis imaging in radio interferometry
A multi-scale, multi-wavelength source extraction method: getsources
A Multi-wavelength Differential Imaging Experiment for the High Contrast Imaging Testbed
A Multilingual on-line Dictionary of Astronomical Concepts
A multiple-beam CLEAN for imaging intra-day variable radio sources
A multiscale autocorrelation function for anisotropy studies
A Natural Symmetrization for the Plummer Potential
A Near Infrared Laser Frequency Comb for High Precision Doppler Planet Surveys
A new algorithm for sky extraction for multi-fiber instrument
A New Analysis Method for WIMP searches with Dual-Phase Liquid Xe TPCs
A new approach for the heliometric optics
A new approach to mitigation of radio frequency interference in interferometric data
A new approach to the optimization of the extraction of astrometric and photometric information from multi-wavelength images in cosmological fields
A New Artificial Dielectric Metamaterial and its Application as a THz Anti-Reflection Coating
A New Comprehensive 2-D Model of the Point Spread Functions of the XMM-Newton EPIC Telescopes : Spurious Source Suppression and Improved Positional Accuracy
A New Computational Fluid Dynamics Code I: Fyris Alpha
A new concept for the combination of optical interferometers and high-resolution spectrographs
A new determination of the INTEGRAL/IBIS point source location accuracy
A New Fast Silicon Photomultiplier Photometer
A New Gas Cell for High-Precision Doppler Measurements in the Near-Infrared