Uploading User-Defined Functions onto the AMIDAS Website
Use of floating surface detector stations for the calibration of a deep-sea neutrino telescope
User Guide for the Discrete Dipole Approximation Code DDSCAT 7.1
Using ACIS on the Chandra X-ray Observatory as a particle radiation monitor
Using artificial neural networks for open-loop tomography
Using fractional differentiation in astronomy
Using Galactic Cepheids to verify Gaia parallaxes
Using Multipartite Graphs for Recommendation and Discovery
Using negative detections to estimate source finder reliability
Using Site Testing Data for Adaptive Optics Simulations
Using the VO to Study the Time Domain
Using TMine for the Fermi-LAT Event Analysis
Using Virtual Observatory techniques to search for Adaptive Optics suitable AGN
Utilization of H-reversal Trajectory of Solar Sail for Asteroid Deflection
Utilizing Astrometric Orbits to Obtain Coronagraphic Images
UV and EUV Instruments
UV anti-reflection coatings for use in silicon detector design