The 1998 November 14 Occultation of GSC 0622-00345 by Saturn. I. Techniques for Ground-Based Stellar Occultations
The 1998 November 14 Occultation of GSC 0622-00345 by Saturn. II. Stratospheric Thermal Profile, Power Spectrum, and Gravity Waves
The 1:1 resonance in Extrasolar Systems: Migration from planetary to satellite orbits
The 2008 outburst in the young stellar system ZCMa: I. Evidence of an enhanced bipolar wind on the AU-scale
The 55 Cancri System: Fundamental Stellar Parameters, Habitable Zone Planet, and Super-Earth Diameter
The 8 Micron Phase Variation of the Hot Saturn HD 149026b
The Active Asteroids
The Active Centaurs
The activity of Main Belt comets
The Allen Telescope Array Search for Electrostatic Discharges on Mars
The angular momentum of two collided rarefied preplanetesimals and the formation of binaries
The Antennae Galaxies (NGC 4038/4039) Revisited: ACS and NICMOS Observations of a Prototypical Merger
The Architecture of the Cassini Division
The architecture of the GJ876 planetary system. Masses and orbital coplanarity for planets b and c
The Astrophysical Environment of the Solar Birthplace
The atmospheres of the hot-Jupiters Kepler-5b and Kepler-6b observed during occultations with Warm-Spitzer and Kepler
The Atmospheric Chemistry of GJ 1214b: Photochemistry and Clouds
The baroclinic instability in the context of layered accretion. Self-sustained vortices and their magnetic stability in local compressible unstratified models of protoplanetary disks
The barycentric motion of exoplanet host stars: tests of solar spin-orbit coupling
The Broadband Infrared Emission Spectrum of the Exoplanet TrES-3