Synthetic lines in the Sun (de la Cruz Rodríguez+, 2011)
Synthetic Lunar Atmosphere Experiments and Base Resupply Mission Concept
Synthetic modelling of acoustical propagation applied to seismic oceanography experiments
Synthetic Proper Elements of Asteroids
Synthetic seismograms by normal-mode summation: a new derivation and numerical examples
Synthetic seismograms for a synthetic Earth: long-period P- and S-wave traveltime variations can be explained by temperature alone
Synthetic seismograms in a spherical Earth using exact flattening transformation
Synthetic spectra and atmospheric properties of cool DA white dwarfs
Synthetic Spectra of Cometary X-ray Emission from Solar Wind Charge Transfer
Synthetic spectra of CP stars compared with UVES spectra
Synthetic spectra of dwarf nova disks
Synthetic Spectroscopy and Photometry for the Sun
Synthetic Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Indices in Stars
Synthetic vision for lunar and planetary landing vehicles
Synthetic X-ray Spectra Calculations using the Xstar Code
System architecture and sensor probes for the WARMER project
System Architecture for Pattern Recognition in Eco Systems
System concept and some characteristics of the coupled-cavity laser system for active target tracking
System Mass Variation and Entropy Generation in 100-kWe Closed-Brayton-Cycle Space Power Systems
System requirements for planetary rovers