Large and small-scale structures of the local Galactic disc. A maximum entropy approach to the stellar velocity distribution
Large area backside illuminated CCD arrays using bonded and etched back silicon on epoxy
Large area boreal forest investigations using ERS InSAR
Large area devices at Semiconductor Technology Associates, Inc.
Large area laser conditioning of dielectric thin film mirrors
Large aspect ratio detector array for space applications
Large Dust Particles Around Cometary Nuclei
Large Dust Particles near Cometary Nuclei
Large electric fields in acoustic waves and the stimulation of lightning discharges
Large format photon counting X-ray and gamma ray imagers.
Large gaps imputation in remote sensed imagery of the environment
Large Grooves in the South Polar Layered Deposits: Insights from Spacecraft Data and Terrestrial Analogs
Large lightweight deployable telescopes with active surface correction
Large lightweight optical quality windows and filters
Large Population Studies of Globular Clusters
Large proton disturbances in the orbit: 14 years later
Large pT from the fragmentation of 1.2-GeV/nucleon La-139 nuclei
Large Scale Analysis of Archival Circumstellar Disk Spectra Using Neural Networks
Large Scale Correlation Screening
Large Scale Lunar Magmatism: Inferences from the Moscoviense Basin