It's Not Just for Data Anymore: The Many Faces of the Chandra Data Archive
Italian Research and Development Activities Towards Full Use of COSMO SkyMed and the Future European Systems
Italian Research and Development Activities Towards Full use of COSMO SkyMed and the Future European Systems
Itemization of trilinear couplings for neutral gauge bosons
Iterative bias reduction multivariate smoothing in R: The ibr package
Iterative Methods for Scalable Uncertainty Quantification in Complex Networks
Iterative methods for the reconstruction of astronomical images with high dynamic range
Iterative Reweighted Algorithms for Sparse Signal Recovery with Temporally Correlated Source Vectors
Iterative solution of the multistream electron transport equation. I - Comparison with laboratory beam injection experiments
IV-VI mid-IR tunable lasers and detectors with external resonant cavities
IVC: a simulation and model-fitting tool for optical-IR interferometry