Fractal analysis of short and intermediate GRB and the fireball model
Fractal Analysis of the low speed Solar Wind Flow
Fractal analysis of the solar wind flow in the inner heliosphere
Fractal analysis of Venus topography in Tinatin Planitia and Ovda Regio
Fractal approach to description of the auroral structure
Fractal geometry in an expanding, one-dimensional, Newtonian universe
Fractal geometry of isoscalar surfaces in turbulence - Theory and experiments
Fractal image compression by improved balanced tree clustering
Fractal Mars: Global Equal-Area Mapping of 0.3 km to 1.2 km Slope Properties
Fractal structure of cosmic ray intensity variations.
Fractal topography and subsurface water flows from fluvial bedforms to the continental shield
Fractals and the Kepler equation
Fractional fermion number in Kaluza-Klein theories
Fragmentation and dynamics in Massive Dense Cores in Cygnus-X
Fragmentation in a rotating protostar - A re-examination of comparison calculations
Fragmentation of elongated cylindrical clouds. II - Polytropic clouds
Fragmentation rates of small satellites in the outer solar system
Fragmenting the Universe. 3: The constructions and statistics of 3-D Voronoi tessellations
Frame selection performance limits for statistical image reconstruction of adaptive optics compensated images
Frame theory in directional statistics