Extinction-independent determination of temperatures for central stars of planetary nebulae
Extra Force from an Extra Dimension: Comparison Between Brane Theory, Space-Time-Matter Theory, and Other Approaches
Extracting abundance indices from longline surveys : method to account for hook competition and unbaited hooks
Extracting coherent coda arrivals from cross-correlations of long period seismic waves during the Mount St. Helens 2004 eruption
Extracting energy from black holes: The Blandford-Znajek mechanism and related problems
Extracting features to recognize partially occluded objects
Extraction and microanalysis of cosmic dust captured during sample return missions: laboratory simulations
Extraction of In-Medium Nucleon-Nucleon Amplitude From Experiment
Extraction of planetary wave information from signals collected by a Bomem interferometer
Extraction of surface parameters from SAR data using polarimetric descriptors
Extraction of surface topography from SAR stereo pairs using an airborne X-band sensor: preliminary results
Extraction of synthetic data from model accretion streams in POLARS.
Extraction of Water from the Martian Atmosphere
Extragalactic jets as current-carrying systems. I - Equilibrium and stability
Extragalactic variable radio sources
Extragalctic Stellar Astronomy
Extraplanar Dust in Nearby Galaxies
Extrapolation of Threshold-Limited Null Measurement Frequencies
Extrapolation of Urn Models via Poissonization: Accurate Measurements of the Microbial Unknown
Extrasolar Planet Transit Light Curves and a Method to Select the Best Planet Candidates for Mass Follow-up