Experimental Scattering Matrix Elements of Martian Analog Particles
Experimental simulation of IR signatures
Experimental studies of neutron-induced reactions in light nuclei
Experimental study and modeling of the effect of low-level impurities on the operation of the constrained vapor bubble
Experimental Study of Coupling Coefficients for Propulsion on TEA CO2 Laser
Experimental Study of Heat Transfer Induced by a Single Vapor Bubble Growth: Influence of Liquid Subcooling
Experimental study on a novel structure of fiber ring laser gyroscope
Experimental Study on Thrust Characteristics of Airspace Laser Propulsion Engine
Experimental test of a prototype gravitational radiation detector employing an active cavity laser sensor
Experimental testing of a foam/multilayer insulation (FMLI) thermal control system (TCS) for use on a cryogenic upper stage
Experimental testing of general relativity by radar observations of planets
Experimental tests of beam-riding sail dynamics
Experimental Tests Of Beam-Riding Sail Dynamics
Experimental tests of the eigenmode theory of auroral roar fine structure and its application to remote sensing
Experimental uncertainties in vacuum tests of PX-series AMTEC cells
Experimental/observational overview: what laboratory can offer to astro- and vice-versa
Experiments and simulations of flux rope dynamics in a plasma
Experiments in orbit determination using numerical methods
Experiments on laser guide stars at Mauna Kea Observatory for adaptive imaging in astronomy
Experiments to assess the effectiveness of multiple laser guide stars for adaptively corrected telescopes