Decoding of complex isothermal chromatograms recovered from space missions : identification of molecular structure
Decoding the H-likelihood
Decoding the Signatures of Exoplanets in Debris Disks with a Collisional Grooming Algorithm
Decomposable Principal Component Analysis
Decomposition and Model Selection for Large Contingency Tables
Decomposition of MATLAB script for FPGA implementation of real time simulation algorithms for LLRF system in European XFEL
Decomposition of variance in terms of conditional means
Decompression of initially cold neutron star matter - A mechanism for the r-process?
Deconvolution by simulation
Deconvolution Methods in Astronomy
Deconvolution of a pre-outburst picture of SN 1987A
Deconvolution of confocal microscopy images using proximal iteration and sparse representations
Deconvolution of mixing time series on a graph
Deconvolution of Poisson-Limited Data Using a Bayesian Multi-Scale Model
Deconvolution under Poisson noise using exact data fidelity and synthesis or analysis sparsity priors
Deconvolving Cometary Hydrogen Coma
Decoupling treatment of linear non-adiabatic non-radial pulsations of stars
Decrease of gravitational mass due to neutrino emission and shock revival in supernovae
Dedicated oscillator for immersed crystal sensor
Dedication to Herbert Friedman