Dual testing of a large-aperture optical system
Dual-axis single-mirror mechanism for beam steering and stabilisation in optical inter satellite links
Dual-band spacecraft sensor suite for lunar and small-body landing
Dual-frequency and dual-polarization VLBI observations of the stellar system Algol
Dual-mode capability for hardware-in-the-loop
Dual-mode, high energy utilization system concept for mars missions
Dual-Tree Fast Gauss Transforms
Duality symmetries in string theory
Dune-forming winds on Titan and the influence of topography
Durability Issues for the Protection of Materials from Atomic Oxygen Attack in Low Earth Orbit
Duration of eclipses of a point source in X-ray binary systems with eccentric orbits
Dust and Gamma-Ray Bursts: Mutual Implications
Dust Devils and vortices at the Phoenix landing site on Mars
Dust Devils on Earth and Mars: Extension of Particle Threshold Laboratory Simulations
Dust distribution in spiral galaxies
Dust Dynamics in Protoplanetary Disks: Parallel Computing with PVM
Dust environment of Comet Halley
Dust Eruptions by Photophoresis and Solid State Greenhouse Effects
Dust Extinction in the Universe up to z=1
Dust formation in stellar winds. II - Carbon condensation in stationary, spherically expanding winds