Distortion risk measures for sums of dependent losses
Distortion wave characteristics and starspot modelling in the RS CVn eclipsing binary SV Camelopardalis
Distortion- and intensity-invariant optical correlation filter system
Distortion-invariant ID tags for object identification
Distortions of fluctuations of the relic radiation by gravitational lenses
Distributed aperture active imaging
Distributed computing with an ATLAS Tier 3 cluster at KSU
Distributed Data Mining for Astrophysical Datasets
Distributed Detection/Isolation Procedures for Quickest Event Detection in Large Extent Wireless Sensor Networks
Distributed detection/localization of change-points in high-dimensional network traffic data
Distributed fiber optic white light interferometric strain sensors array with a 3×3 star coupler
Distributed N-body Simulation on the Grid Using Dedicated Hardware
Distributed Power Sources for Mars Colonization
Distributed Robust Power System State Estimation
Distributed simulation of astronomical solar radiation over rugged terrains in the Guizhou Plateau
Distributed TRIDAQ systems for large HEP experiments: Part I. System architecture
Distributed TRIDAQ systems for large HEP experiments: Part II. Implementation for BAC (ZEUS at HERA) and RPC (CMS at LMC) detectors
Distribution and activity of discrete emission areas on the nucleus of periodic Comet Swift-Tuttle
Distribution Fitting 1. Parameters Estimation under Assumption of Agreement between Observation and Model
Distribution fitting 12. Sampling distribution of compounds abundance from plant species measured by instrumentation. Application to plants metabolism classification