Basic Relationships for Matrices Describing Scattering by Small Particles
Basic relationships for matrices describing scattering by small particles.
Basic Results of MHD Tomography Analysis Method for IPS Observation
Basic statistics for probabilistic symbolic variables: a novel metric-based approach
Basic system parameters and a more general SPOT solution of the SV Camelopardalis light curve
Basin size evolution between dissipative and conservative limits
BASS, an alternative to ETAS
BaSTI: the Virtual Observatory meets the Computational Grid
Batch kernel SOM and related Laplacian methods for social network analysis
Batch Query System with Interactive Local Storage for SDSS and the VO
BATMAN-an R package for the automated quantification of metabolites from NMR spectra using a Bayesian Model
Battery study for the Mars Environmental Survey (MESUR) Pathfinder
Bayes and empirical Bayes changepoint problems
Bayes Factor Consistency for Unbalanced ANOVA Models
Bayes Model Selection with Path Sampling: Factor Models and Other Examples
Bayes, Jeffreys, Prior Distributions and the Philosophy of Statistics
Bayesball: A Bayesian hierarchical model for evaluating fielding in major league baseball
Bayesian Active Learning for Classification and Preference Learning
Bayesian Adaptive Lasso
Bayesian Agglomerative Clustering with Coalescents