$B^0_{s(d)} - \bar{B}^0_{s(d)} $ mixing and new physics effects in a top quark two-Higgs doublet model
$B^{(*)}\bar B^{(*)}$ intermediate state contribution to $Υ(4S,5S)\to η_b+γ$ radiative decay
$B^{\ast}B^{\ast}ρ$ vertex from QCD sum rules
$B^{\ast}_{s1}B^{\ast}K$ form factor from QCD sum rules
$B_7$, $B_8$ and chiral Ward identities
$B_c$ and $Υ$ Spectra from Lattice NRQCD - Results at $β$ = 5.7
$B_c$ Meson at LHC
$B_c$ Meson Production around the $Z^0$ Peak at a High Luminosity $e^+ e^-$ Collider
$B_c$ meson production at the Tevatron Revisited
$B_c$ Meson Productions Via Induced Gluon Fragmentation
$B_c$ mesons in a Bethe-Salpeter model
$B_c$ Mesons Production at Hadron Colliders by Heavy Quark Fragmentation
$B_c$ Physics at Hadron Colliders
$B_c$ spectroscopy
$B_c$ Spectroscopy from Lattice QCD
$B_c$ to P-Wave Charmonia Transitions in Covariant Light-Front Approach
$B_c$--meson production in hadron--hadron collisons
$B_c(B){\to}D l\tildeν$ form factors in Light-Cone Sum Rules and the $D$-meson distribution amplitude
$B_d - \bar{B}_d$ mass difference in Little Higgs model
$B_d-\bar{B}_d$ mixing vs. $B_s-\bar{B}_s$ mixing with the anomalous $Wtb$ couplings