"Rectifying" reflection from a magnetic photonic crystal
"Red" Sirius
"REEP" Metasomatism of the Apollow 14 Highlands: Evidence from the Mg-Suite
"Relation between hydrogen isotopic ratios of bone collagen and rain." Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta : Erratum to A. B. Cormie, H. P. Schwarcz and J. Gray (1994) 58 , 377-391
"Relict" Fassaite in Type B1 CAI's: Products of Late-Stage Liquids?
"Remote" Control of the 1.52-m Telescope!
"Remote" science with the NTT from Italy. Preliminary scientific results.
"Renormalization" Of Non Renormalizable Theories
"Reservoir model" for shallow modulation-doped digital magnetic quantum wells
"Resonance" phenomena in thermal diffusion processes in two-layer structures
"RHIC serves the perfect fluid" -- Hydrodynamic flow of the QGP
"Root" Action for N=4 Supersymmetric Mechanics Theories
"Safe" Coulomb Excitation of 30Mg
"Säulen der Schöpfung" vom Winde verweht?
"Scaling of an anomalous metal/insulator transition in a 2D system in silicon at zero magnetic field"
"Scars" in parametrically excited surface waves
"Screening" of universal van der Waals - Casimir terms by Coulomb gases in a fully-finite two-dimensional geometry
"Secret" neutrino interactions
"Sediment biogeochemistry of iron and sulfur in an acidic lake" : , and (1989) Geochimia Cosmochimia Acta 53 , 2547-2559
"Seesawing" away the hierarchy problem