YOHKOH Bragg Crystal Spectrometer Light Curves for S XV (5.0163 - 5.1143 Angstroms)
Yohkoh Captures a Solar Flare
YOHKOH Gamma ray Spectral Observations (YGSO)
Yohkoh observations of flares with superhot properties
YOHKOH/HXT Evidence for a Hyperhot Loop-Top Source in The Pre-Impulsive Phase of a Loop Flare
Yohkoh/SXT soft x-ray observations of sudden mass loss from the solar corona
YOHKOH/WBS Recalibration and a Comprehensive Catalogue of Solar Flares Observed by YOHKOH SXT, HXT and WBS Instruments
Yohkoh: A Decade of Discovery [Invited]
Yoke mountings for multimirror telescopes and their advantages for instrumentation.
Yonsei-Yale Isochrones: the status report
Yoram Avni died 12 Mar 1988.
York Map, Non-Inertial Frames and the Physical Interpretation of the Gauge Variables of the Gravitational Field
Yorkshire College of Science
Yorktown and Lexington as Viewed by the Viking I Lander
YORP and Density Inhomogeneity within Itokawa
YORP on tumbling asteroids
YORP Sensitivity to Shape and Shadowing
Yoshiaki Sofue (ed.), `The Central Regions of the Galaxy and Galaxies', IAU Symposium 184, held in Tokyo, August 1997
Yoshihide Kozai received the 1989 Dirk Brouwer Award of the American Astronomical Society.
Yoshiyuki Kuwano (1931 - 16 January 1998).