Yield stress and shear-banding in granular suspensions
Yield Stress Discontinuity in a Simple Glass
Yield stress, heterogeneities and activated processes in soft glassy materials
Yielding and flow in adhesive and non-adhesive concentrated emulsions
Yielding and irreversible deformation below the microscale: Surface effects and non-mean-field plastic avalanches
Yields and elliptic flow of $d(\bar{d})$ and $^{3}He(\bar{^{3}He})$ in Au+Au collisions at $\sqrt{s_{_{NN}}} =$ 200 GeV
Yields and elliptic flow of d(dbar) and He3(He3bar) in Au+Au collisions at sqrt(sNN)= 200 GeV
Yields from extremely metal-poor stars (Campbell+, 2008)
Yields from the Primordial Stars
Yields of xenon isotopes in the reactions of protons with energies of 72 and 100 MeV and 1 GeV with Cs, BA and REEs
Yilmaz' theory of gravitation and some modifications
YM on the dielectric brane: a D0-brane tale
Ymir: Looking at a possible recent creation of an irregular satellite family
Yoctocalorimetry: phonon counting in nanostructures
Yoctosecond photon pulse generation in heavy ion collisions
Yoctosecond photon pulses from quark-gluon plasmas
Yohkoh (Solar-A) observations of solar activity.
YOHKOH Bragg Crystal Spectrometer light curves for CA 29(3.1633 - 3.1933 A): 1 October 1993 - 30 September 1994
YOHKOH Bragg Crystal Spectrometer Light Curves for S XV (5.0163 - 5.1143 A)