Sampling problems of satellite measurements of radiation budget parameters
Sampling properties of directed networks
Sampling properties of random graphs: the degree distribution
Sampling Properties of the Spectrum and Coherency of Sequences of Action Potentials
Sampling quantum phase space with squeezed states
Sampling rare events: statistics of local sequence alignments
Sampling rare fluctuations of height in the Oslo ricepile model
Sampling Strategies for Lunar Sample Return Missions
Sampling Strategy and Curation Plan of "Hayabusa" Asteroid Sample Return Mission
Sampling the Apollo 17 Highlands Using Soils and Lithic Fragments
Sampling the Bimodal Solar Wind with the Bright Comet 2009 P1 (garradd)
Sampling the canonical phase from phase-space functions
Sampling the Coronal Magnetic Field
Sampling the diffusion paths of a neutral vacancy in Silicon with quantum mechanical calculations
Sampling the ground-state magnetization of d-dimensional p-body Ising models
Sampling the Orbital Debris Population Using a Foil Residue Collector in a Standardised Container for Experiments (sce)
Sampling the South Pole Atmosphere for Cosmic Dust by Electrostatic Precipitation
Sampling the South Pole-Aitken Basin: Objectives and Site Selection Criteria
Sampling the two-dimensional density of states g(E,M) of a giant magnetic molecule using the Wang-Landau method
Sampling Theorem and Discrete Fourier Transform on the Hyperboloid