Sample-to-sample fluctuations of electrostatic forces generated by quenched charge disorder
Sample-to-sample fluctuations of the overlap distributions in the three-dimensional Edwards-Anderson spin glass
Sample-to-sample torque fluctuations in a system of coaxial randomly charged surfaces
SAMPLE: Parity Violating Electron Scattering from Hydrogen and Deuterium
Sampled-Data System Analysis of Conical-Scan Tracking
Sampler, drill and distribution system for cometary soil analysis
Samples of Asteroid Surface Ponded Deposits in Chondritic Meteorites
Samples of the Solar System. (Book Reviews: Meteorites and Their Parent Planets)
Sampling a Catalog of Over 400 Newly Discovered Low Surface Brightness Galaxies
Sampling along reaction coordinates with the Wang-Landau method
Sampling an active continental paleo-margin: A LA-ICP-MS U-Pb zircon study from the Adrar des Iforas (Mali)
Sampling and analysis of dissolved noble gases in the porewater of marine sediments in northeastern Okinawa Trough, Japan
Sampling and Characterization of the Turbulence Vertical Distribution. Statistics of SCIDAR Profiling
Sampling and Squeezing Electromagnetic Waves through Subwavelength Ultranarrow Regions or Openings
Sampling Asteroid Surfaces Using Magnets
Sampling bias in systems with structural heterogeneity and limited internal diffusion
Sampling Colourings of the Triangular Lattice
Sampling constraints in average: The example of Hugoniot curves
Sampling diffusive transition paths
Sampling Distributions of Random Electromagnetic Fields in Mesoscopic or Dynamical Systems