Salinity changes along the upper limb of the Atlantic thermohaline circulation
Salinity control on long-chain alkenone distributions in lake surface waters and sediments of the northern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, China
Salinity dependence of spectral induced polarization in sands and sandstones
Salinity dependence of the thermoelectric coupling coefficient in brine-saturated sandstones
Salinity History of Seawater
Salinity influence on planktonic foraminiferal Mg/Ca: A case study from the Red Sea
Salinity of ore-forming fluids in high-sulfidation epithermal systems: New infrared microthermometric data of enargite-hosted fluid inclusions
Salinity signature of the Pacific Decadal Oscillation
Salinity trends on the Siberian shelves
Salinity variability in the Arabian Sea
Salinity variability in the equatorial Pacific Ocean during the 1993-98 period
Salinity-induced hydrate dissociation: A mechanism for recent CH4 release on Mars
Salinization of the Rio Grande, North America: Origins and implications for mitigation
Salmon-driven bed load transport and bed morphology in mountain streams
SALOMON: A New, Light Balloonborne UV visible spectrometer for Nighttime Observations of Stratospheric Trace-Gas Species
Salpeter equation and causality
Salpeter mass functions of young populous clusters in the LMC?
Salt and copper in iron oxide copper gold systems, Cloncurry district, Australia
Salt as an African Facility
Salt Concentration of Rainfall and Shallow Groundwater across the Lower Rio Grande Valley