Sahara 99555: Trace-Element Compositions and Relationship to Antarctic Angrites
Saharan Air Layer Interaction with Hurricane Claudette (2003)
Saharan Dust Outbreaks Towards Europe: 3 Years of Systematic Observations by the European LIDAR Network in the Frame of the Earlinet Project (2000-2003)
Saharan dust particles nucleate droplets in eastern Atlantic clouds
Saharan dust storms and indirect aerosol effects on clouds: CRYSTAL-FACE results
Saharan dust storms: nature and consequences
Saharan dust, lightning and tropical cyclones in the eastern tropical Atlantic during NAMMA-06
Saharan dust. Mobilization, transport, deposition
Saharan dust: Clay ratio as a relevant tracer to assess the origin of soil-derived aerosols
Saharan Solar Surprises
SAI Open Clusters Catalog (Glushkova+, 2009)
SAI: a compact atom interferometer for future space missions
SAID Results for GDH-Related Sum Rules
SAID/SAPS and substorm injections
SAID/SAPS-related VLF waves and the outer radiation belt boundary
SAID: A turbulent plasmaspheric boundary layer
SAID: A turbulent plasmaspheric boundary layer (Invited)
SAID: Plasmaspheric short circuit of substorm injections
Sailing Along the Galactic Plane
Sailing from Warped AdS_3 to Warped dS_3 in Topologically Massive Gravity