Saddle points of magnetic fields in the solar atmosphere
Saddle Points Stability in the Replica Approach Off Equilibrium
Saddle scars: Existence and applications
Saddle-point energies and Monte Carlo simulation of the long-range order relaxation in CoPt
Saddle-point van Hove singularity and the phase diagram of high-Tc cuprates
Saddle-splay elasticity and field induced soliton in nematics
Saddle-splay modulus of a particle-laden fluid interface
Saddle-splay term induced orientational instability in nematic liquid crystal cells and director fluctuations at substrates
Saddles and dynamics in a solvable mean-field model
Saddles and softness in simple model liquids
Saddles in the energy landscape probed by supercooled liquids
Saddles in the energy landscape: extensivity and thermodynamic formalism
Saddles on the potential energy landscape of a Lennard-Jones liquid
Saddles, Twists, and Curls: Shape Transitions in Freestanding Nanoribbons
SADE: The starspot and dynamo explorer
SAFARI cruise: Mapping river discharge effects on Southern Brazilian shelf
Safe domain and elementary geometry
Safe estimate of the accuracy of constructing a nonspherical model of upper-atmospheric density from observations of satellite deceleration
Safe handling of 8-m mirror blanks during manufacture: equipment designs based on finite element analyses of stresses
Safe with Cepheids?