S10760 - a Very Distant RR Lyrae-Star - Two New Variable Extragalactic Objects
S10760 - a very distant RR-Lyrae-star.
S10764 - a Slowly Variable Object in the Globular Cluster M3 with U-B ~-1.0m
S10947 Aql photometry (Richter+, 2000)
S17 near Zero Energy in a Direct Radiative Capture Analysis
S17(0) Determined from the Coulomb Breakup of 83 MeV/nucleon 8B
S3 as a flavour symmetry for quarks and leptons after the Daya Bay result on θ13
S3 Quantum Hall Wavefunctions
S3 x Z2 model for neutrino mass matrices
S3: The Super Separator Spectrometer for SPIRAL2 stable beams
S4 as a natural flavor symmetry for lepton mixing
S4 Flavor Model of Quarks and Leptons
S4 Flavor Symmetry and Fermion Masses: Towards a Grand Unified theory of Flavor
S4 Flavor Symmetry of Quarks and Leptons in SU(5) GUT
S4 scintillation index of the ionospheric E-region observed by FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC
S40RTS: a degree-40 shear-velocity model for the mantle from new Rayleigh wave dispersion, teleseismic traveltime and normal-mode splitting function measurements
S4693, A Possible Z Camelopardalis Star in Cygnus
S4802 in Cygnus, an SR Star
S4831, a Probable RV Tauri Type