RXTE follow-up observations of the new black hole candidate MAXI J1659-152
RXTE measurement of the diffuse X-ray emission from the Galactic ridge: implications for the energetics of the Interstellar Medium
RXTE Monitoring of GRS1758-258
RXTE monitoring of PKS 2155-304 in May and November 1996
RXTE monitoring of the blazars 3C 279 and 3C 273
RXTE observation of Cygnus X-1: spectral analysis
RXTE Observations of 0.1-300 HZ Quasi-periodic Oscillationsin the Microquasar GRO J1655-40
RXTE observations of Cas A
RXTE Observations of Galactic Center Transients
RXTE observations of Galactic microquasar XTE J1748-288 during its 1998 outburst
RXTE observations of GRB afterglows
RXTE observations of Markarian 501 during X-ray bright state in July 1997
RXTE Observations of QPOs in the Black Hole Candidate GRS 1915+105
RXTE observations of the starburst galaxy M82
RXTE quick response observations of afterglows from GRBs
RXTE/PCA observation of the X-ray burster 1E1724-3045. Aperiodic variability of the persistent emission
RXTEA observations of Her X-1
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