RVS Wavelength Calibration: Simulation of Reference Stars
RW Aur spectra (Alencar+, 2005)
RW Dor, Light Curve and Study of the Period
RW Hydrae
RW Lacertae: a New Photometric Triple Star
RWC Boulder Activities Report, 1989-1992
RWC Communications: A Proposal for Exchanging Data Via Electronic Networks
RWT Tool: Offshore Wind Energy Mapping from SAR (26)
RX And: an intermediate between Z Cam and VY Scl stars
RX Cam is a Spectroscopic-Binary Cepheid
RX J0042.3+4115: a stellar mass black hole binary identified in M 31, and other papers
RX J0720 evolution: precession, glitching, or the last flutterings of a magnetar
RX J0720.4-3125 - a free precessing X-ray pulsar?
RX J0720.4-3125 - a precessing X-ray pulsar?
RX J1856: astrophysical evidence for quark stars
RX J193214.6+300741: A young supernova remnant in a low density medium?
RX Ursa Majoris
RX Ursa Majoris
RXTE All-Sky Slew Survey catalog, |b|>10{deg} (Revnivtsev+, 2004)