Oxygen torus in the deep inner magnetosphere and its contribution to recurrent process of O+-rich ring current formation
Oxygen trends in the coastal ocean and along deep ocean transects
Oxygen Triclusters, Non-Bridging Oxygens, and the Properties of Silicate Melts: The View from O-17 NMR
Oxygen uptake at the onset of step-exercise before and after short- duration best rest in humans
Oxygen uptake during marine diagenesis of fresh volcanic material
Oxygen Uptake Kinetics: a New Perspective for Clinical Ergometry
Oxygen vacancies at titanate interfaces: two-dimensional magnetism and orbital reconstruction
Oxygen vacancies in N doped TiO2: Experiment and first principle calculations
Oxygen Vacancy Induced Ferromagnetism in V$_2$O$_{5-x}$
Oxygen vacancy induced re-entrant spin glass behavior in multiferroic ErMnO3 thin films
Oxygen vacancy segregation and space-charge effects in grain boundaries of dry and hydrated BaZrO3
Oxygen Versus Iron Termination of Hematite (001) Surfaces: STM Imaging in Air and in Aqueous Solutions
Oxygen vs. Age in Halo Field Stars
Oxygen, carbon and U-series isotopes of aragonites from Vestfold Hills, Antarctica - Clues to geochemical processes in subglacial environments
Oxygen, Magnesium, Calcium, and Titanium Isotopes in Asymptotic Giant Branch and Supernova Oxides
Oxygen, Silicon, and Magnesium Isotopes in Ningqiang Chondrules
Oxygen, Silicon, Carbon, and Hydrogen Isotope Fractionation Processes in Lunar Surface Materials
Oxygen, sodium and iron abundances in the Hyades
Oxygen- and magnesium-isotope compositions of calcium-aluminum-rich inclusions from CR2 carbonaceous chondrites
Oxygen- and magnesium-isotope compositions of calcium-aluminum-rich inclusions from Rumuruti (R) chondrites