Oxygen mass transfer from trapped gas phase and its biogeochemical consumption
Oxygen molecular plasma at ambient temperature and elevated or high pressure
Oxygen molecule dissociation on carbon nanostructures with different types of nitrogen doping
Oxygen Moment Formation and Canting in Li2CuO2
Oxygen Nightglow Investigation in the Visible Spectral Range, Using VIRTIS/Venus Express Data
Oxygen nightglow vertical profiles and horizontal distribution in the Venus upper atmosphere from the VIRTIS-M data
Oxygen non-stoichiometry and the origin of Na ion ordering in gamma-NaxCoO2
Oxygen non-stoichiometry and the origin of Na ion ordering in P2-NaxCoO2
Oxygen non-stoichiometry in Ru-1212 and Ru-1222 magnetosuperconductors
Oxygen Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Study of RuSr2EuCu2O8
Oxygen oases and the Great Oxidation
Oxygen Observations by STEREO/PLASTIC in the Slow Solar Wind
Oxygen Ordering Superstructures and Structural Phase Diagram of YBa_2Cu_3O_{6+x} Studied by Hard X-ray Diffraction
Oxygen Outflow During the Large Magnetic Storms on March 31, 2001 and April 12, 2001. Measurements from the CLUSTER-CIS instrument.
Oxygen overshoot and recovery during the early Paleoproterozoic
Oxygen Partitioning Between Metallic Alloy and Silicate Melts
Oxygen Phonon Branches in Detwinned YBa2Cu3O7
Oxygen phonon branches in overdoped La$_{1.7}$Sr$_{0.3}$CuO$_4$
Oxygen Phonon Branches in YBa2Cu3O7
Oxygen Production from Carbon Dioxide by Zirconia Electrolysis