Justification of the effective fractional Coulomb energy and the extended Brinkman-Rice picture
Justification of the limiting absorption principle in R2
Justification of the symmetric damping model of the dynamical Casimir effect in a cavity with a semiconductor mirror
Justification of the zeta function renormalization in rigid string model
Justifying Alternative Models in Learning Astronomy: A study of K-8 science teachers' understanding of frames of reference
Justifying the exotic Theta+ pentaquark
Juvenile Chemical Sediments and the Duration of Aqueous Activity on Ancient Mars
Juvenile water in the Moon's interior: new constraints from Apollo 15 lunar volcanic glasses
Juxtaposition of Spin Freezing and Long Range Order in a Series of Geometrically Frustrated Antiferromagnetic Gadolinium Garnets
JVI Himalia: New compositional evidence and interpretations for the origin of Jupiter's small satellites
JWKB surface-wave seismograms on a laterally heterogeneous earth
JWST beryllium telescope: material and substrate fabrication
JWST Calibration Standards
JWST Fine Guidance Sensor Calibration
JWST Mirror Building Paradigms at Tinsley, Part 3
JWST Mirror Building Paradigms at Tinsley, Part 4
JWST Mirror Building Paradigms at Tinsley, Part 5