Jupiter: Magnetosphere
Jupiter: New estimates of the mean zonal flow at the cloud level Volume 65, Numbers 2/3 (1986), in the article by Sanjay S. Limaye, pages 335-352
Jupiter: Observation of Deuterated Methane in the Atmosphere
Jupiter: Off to Jupiter Again
Jupiter: Plea for Observations
Jupiter: Probing by Pioneer
Jupiter: Project 24. Celebrating IYA with the King of Planets
Jupiter: Studies of the interior, atmosphere, magnetosphere and satellites Edited by Tom Gehrels with the assistance of Mildred Shapley Matthews. University of Arizona Press, Tucson, 1976. 1254 pp., $38.50
Jupiter: The Planet, Satellites and Magnetosphere
Jupiters magnetopause, bow shock, and 10-hour modulated magnetosheath: Voyagers 1 and 2
Jupiter’s Aurora: Outstanding Questions for Future Missions (Invited)
Jupiter’s Nightside Airglow and Aurora
Jupiter’s South South Temperate Zone vortices: Observations and simulations
JupSat Pro, by Gary Nugent
Jurassic (Callovian) paleotemperatures from Scotland
Jurassic age of metamorphism at the base of the Brezovica peridotite (Yugoslavia)
Jurassic and cretaceous floras and climates of the Earth : V. A. Vakhrameev. Cambridge University Press, 1991, xvii + 318 p., US $99.50 (ISBN 0-521-40291-3)
Jurassic Diabase from Leesburg, VA: A Proposed Lunar Simulant
Jurassic environments
Jurassic labyrinthodont